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New Firearm Safe Storage Rules - Category A,B,C&D Firearms & Handguns

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

Dear Club Member ​ The Club Captain has asked that we pass the following information onto all MPC members.

Firearm safe storage rules

On 30 August 2022, several changes to firearm storage laws will begin. It is recommended that firearm owners, and potential firearm owners familiarise themselves with the changes and prepare themselves to make any changes necessary prior to the change to the law.

Current and future firearm owners must (where applicable) make sure their firearm storage complies with these changes.

Many current firearm owners will already have storage which meets the updated standards.

This particularly applies if they have a purpose built, commercially manufactured gun safe. 

All firearm owners should check their current storage against the new requirements.

They should prepare to replace or upgrade their arrangements before 30 August 2022.

You can find out more information at Regards

Committee of Management Melton Pistol Club

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